
Es werden Posts vom März, 2018 angezeigt.

Stop landmines and arms trade in general

Easter is the biggest Christian celebration. We remember Jesus’s resurrection from the dead. Pope Francis is reading the yearly Urbi et Orbi messages on Easter Sunday, including his call for worldwide peace and the end of violence in uncounted parts of this planet. Francis is aiming to enter people’s hearts. According to St. Francis of Assisi, all the people should be „responsible guardians of creation“. As Easter is the time of hope, it is the right time to get his words in our hearts and minds: „In the complex and often dramatic situations of today’s world, may the Risen Lord guide the steps of all those who work for justice and peace. May he grant the leaders of nations the courage they need to prevent the spread of conflicts and to put a halt to the arms trade,“ Francis said. It is our Christians duty to stop landmines and arms trade in general! What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.  ~Mother Teresa~

Al-Taghrooda, chanted poems

The elder people are honored for their wisdom in the center of their community. Knowledge is conveyed between the generations. Women and men have their own parts in the Al-Taghrooda ceremonials, the traditional Bedouin chanted poetry. Let us save the heritage. Source: UNESCO

Poems are one way to remain hopeful

We have not wings, we cannot soar; But we have feet to scale and climb By slow degrees, by more and more, The cloudy summits of our time. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow~ Message from Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO on the occasion of the World Poetry Day

Poems for Earth Day

Poems for Earth Day The earth is the planet given to us by God to live on. Despite what scientists might have us believe, it is the only planet in our solar system that humanity can comfortably inhabit. The earth is a paradise for the creatures that live on it. Every species on earth has its place in the circle of life. Human beings need food, clothing, shelter to survive. All of these are provided in ample supply on God's green earth. It is an unfortunate fact that we have not taken good care of the land that has been placed in our guardianship. Hopefully, it is not too late Source:

Poetry is a window onto the breath-taking diversity of humanity

Poetry is a window onto the breath-taking diversity of humanity   Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO

International World Poetry Day March 21st, 2018

Held every year on 21 March, World Poetry Day celebrates one of humanity’s most treasured forms of cultural and linguistic expression and identity. Die Vereinten Nationen wissen, welch hohen Stellenwert Poesie als Ausdrucksmittel in den vielen Kulturen der Welt hat. Sie ist einer der Wege zu den Herzen der Menschen und funktioniert interkulturell in allen Ecken unserer runden Welt. This is a great day for healing the world. Watch out for more information from me! Photo: Link:   World Poetry Day 2017


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